
Most people associate cholesterol with the fatty foods....Do you know that most of this waxy substance is made by our own bodies?
The body produces 75% of the cholesterol that circulates in our blood. The other 25% comes from the food we take in.

Truth is, at normal levels cholesterol actually plays an important role in helping our body cells function.

High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms but it does cause damage deep within the body. It causes a build up of plaques inside the artery known as atherosclerosis , this condition narrows the space available for blood flow and this can trigger a heart disease.

The good news is high cholesterol is simple to detect and there are many ways to bring it down....
The illustration above are examples of cholesterol rich foods. For most people it has no effect on their cholesterol levels while for some ,eating these foods triggers the level in their blood stream.

 Do you know the daily cholesterol level are 300mg for healthy people and 200mg for those at higher risk and one egg contains 186mg of cholesterol?......Do i see a shocked look on your face?  oh yea ,this is sooo true.....

So if every morning you have a breakfast of bread, sausages/ham, eggs and a cup of coffee.....Keep a food calculator close by to check the calorie count.......

Cholesterol comes from two sources ,the body and food and either one can contribute to high cholesterol. Some people inherit genes that trigger off high cholesterol levels while for others food does the harm.

Ladies listen up!!Until menopause a woman typically has lower total levels of cholesterol than men and a higher level of the good cholesterol HDL .... I see smiles on your faces! Great!   

The sex hormone estrogen is the reason for this levels but here's the you advance towards menopause, the risk begins to climb.

How can this be controlled: 

Eat more fiber  vegetables, beans, whole-grain breads etc, Cut down on doughnut, fries, chips, margarine and cookies. Choose smart proteins such as soy milk, fish etc , Eat more low-carb diets, lose weight, quit smoking, engage in exercises.

If you already have high cholesterol levels ,see your doctor for medical prescriptions.

Living Healthy!


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