Can Soursop cure Cancer?........

I got talking to a friend I met in Port-Harcourt, he talked to me about the fruit sour sop. I was amazed at this revelation and decided  to study more about it. I really want to share this with you.... 

The sour sop is a flowering ever green tree native to tropical regions of the world. Its scientific name is Annona muricata. According to some published articles, It's long, prickly green fruit kills cancer up to 10 times more effectively than strong chemotheraphy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells. 

Known as a sedative, nerve tonic, and used to maintain proper intestinal health, Sour sop fruit is just one medicinal tool stemming from the graviola tree as  the root, stem, leaves, bark and seeds are also highly medicinal.

Health Benefits of Sour sop......
The nutrients present in sour sop are amino acids, ascorbic acid(Vitamin C), calcium, carbohydrates, fiber, Iron, niacin, phosphorous, riboflavin and thiamine.
- Thiamine from the sour sop helps boost energy levels
- Its cooper content helps maintain the bone health by promoting absorption of calcium from ingested food.
- Its juice works great for liver disorders. It also reduces the inflammation of the urethra and thus can lower symptoms like painful urination.
- The fibrous flesh aids digestion.
- The anti-emetic properties  of the seeds aids in the treatment of vomiting.
- The root bark is used as an antidote for poisons.
-Mashed leaves are used as a poultice in the alleviation of eczema and other skin problems and rheumatism. When applied on skin eruptions, it promotes healing.
- A decoction of the young roots or leaves is regarded as a remedy for gall bladder trouble as well as coughs, catarrh, diarrhea, dysentery, fever, headlice, and bedbugs.

Cancer Prevention...
A research carried out on the Chemopreventive potential of Annona muricata L leaves on chemically-induced skin papillomagenesis in mice showed results  that suggested that the A. muricata leaves extract were able to suppress tumour initiation as well as tumor promotion even at lower doses.
Researchers have been studying sour sop for its ability to protect against cancer and reduce side effects of chemotheraphy. Since 1976, over 20 independent lab researched sour sop anti cancer properties. Although the Cancer Research UK has contradictory views to this as they state in one of their articles and i quote:

In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotheraphy drugs. But there haven't been any large scale studies in humans. So we don't know yet whether it can work as a cancer treatment or not. Overall, there is no evidence to show that graviola works as a cure for cancer. Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific cancer organisations. We know very little about how graviola affects the body. But we do know that it may cause nerve changes, causing symptoms similar to parkison's disease. So it may have harmful side effects for some people. Always talk to your doctor before taking any kind of complementary or alternative therapy. We do not support the use of graviola to treat cancer. Our advice is to be very cautious about believing information or paying for any type of alternative cancer therapy on the internet.

From the article above, it  suggests that some pharmaceutical company had taken some extracts from the annona muricata tree and transformed them into a capsule which they named graviola.

In all of these articles, its important to note that studies conducted with sour sop were In Vitro testings - This imploys the isolation of biological components for testing purposes. In this case, cancer cells weere isolated in tubes for the testing. Researches usually start up this way then gradually develop into In Vivo testings.

So while we await the human testings, get munching on your sour sop irrespective of its ability to tear down those cancer cells or not... It's got a great taste and a lot of potential.

Just enjoy it.... *winks*

Living Healthy......


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    1. Am Laura Mildred by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes 4 years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr. Morrison Hansen post on how Dr. Emu saved him from Herpes with herbal medicine i contacted Dr. Emu on his Email: we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test,then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now thanks to Dr. Emu God bless you. Email him at: Call or Whats-app him: +2347012841542

    2. I was diagnosed of herpes 3 years, and ever since then i have been taking treatment to prevent outbreaks, burning and blisters, but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr. VOODOO on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions for up to 2 weeks. After completing the medication i went back to my doctor for another test and the virus was all gone and i was completely cured, since then i have not had any signs of outbreak. I'm so filled with joy. With herbal medication Herpes Virus is 100% curable. I refer Dr VOODOO to everyone out there with the virus Email: Add Dr voodoo on whatsApp +2348140120719

  3. I am indeed very happy for my life; I never thought that I will live on earth before the year runs out. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 2 years now; I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby but until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how a spell caster helped someone in curing his HIV disease, quickly I copied his email which is
    I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to cast the spell which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after 45 minutes of casting the spell, I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him my life, if you are having a similar problem just email him on
    or call +2348169340571

  4. My husband dumped me a month ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don't know what to do, so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and our children are happy about this too,. Once again thank you Dr Ofua. You are truly talented and gifted. Email: OR is the only answer. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful Indeed am grateful.
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  5. I did not believe is possible that HIV can be cured because i have been scammed so many times not until i came across this great man dr ebhota who helped me at first I never believe all this comment and post about him and I was very sick because i have been infected with HIV for the past seven years,just last year I keep reading the testimony about this man named dr ebhota they said that the man is so powerful he have cured different type of diseases, I keep monitor the post of some people about this man and I found out that he was real so i decided to give him a try I contacted him for help and he said he was going to help me get my cure that all i needed to do was to send him money to prepare the medication after which it will be sent to me via dhl service which i did to my greatest suprise the medication was sent to me he gave me instructions on how to use it that after three weeks i should go for check up at first i was shocked when the doctor told me that i was hiv negative i ask the doctor to check again and the result was the same that i was now free from hiv at of the shock i decided to come and share my testimony with you for those who think there is no cure for hiv the cure as finally come stop doubting and contact dr ebhota via email he can also be a great help for any one how need his herb,you can call him on,+2349035324155 or whsapp him,


  6. I was diagnose April 17,2015 and find out I'm HIV positive.I was scared because there is no cure for HIV/AIDS but today some people still don't believe that there is cure for HIV, it can only be cured through Africans root and herbs,and our doctor's here in USA few of them know's about the African herbal medicine can cure Hiv but they chooses to hide it from us just to make a sales of ARV DRUGS. I did a research online finding way to get rid of my disease,I saw a comment about a herbal doctor on internet Name Dr Peter who has cured several disease with his powerful herbal medicine, I contacted him on whats-app number+2348132537313, chat with him explain my self to him.He said he can cure hiv perfectly well , he gave me his request which i send to him. within 3 days he sent me the herbal medicine through ups courier delivering service And told me how to take the medicine for 1 weeks to get cured,I did for 1 weeks, within this 1 weeks i notice a very big change in my health and i new some thing great has happened then i went to confirm my result it was absolutely Negative.The doctor who new i was hiv positive was asking me how come i am negative, what did it took to get cure and were did i get this medicine from and how did i get rid of it I told him every thing about the herbal medicine that cure me. imagine doctor telling me not to let anyone know about it,I wasn't shock though i knew they know about the herbal cure but chose to hide it in other to make sales on ARV DRUGS,if you are HIV positive you can email hem on this very
    all whats-app hem on number+2348132537313

  7. Hello,
    I was diagnosed of this HIV deadly disease. a friend of mine introduce Dr peter to me and I actually did contact
    him after he has prepare the herbal medicine he sent it to me and I used it according to his prescription after one
    week I went to the hospital to check my status again because I was feeling differently from the way I tested
    POSITIVE before, to my greatest surprise the status was HIV NEGATIVE the medical doctors there was surprise and I
    have to tell the whole world about this if you are still having this similar problem I recommend you to dr peter
    his email is you can call dr PETER ,OR Whatsapp hem on this very number


  8. I am really happy that i have been cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Ofua Ofure. , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 2 years and 7 mouth without solution until i came across the blog of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 2 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, and ever since then, we have had no more outbreak and we are healthy, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. he also render cure to the following diseases below

    contact him on Dr Ofua Ofure Whatsapp NUMBER: +2347059497969 for your cure.

    Cathy Lee

  9. Am really happy that i and my husband are cured of (HIV VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Marko , i have been suffering from this disease for the past 3 years without solution until i came across this doctors who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follows his instruction for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 3 weeks and which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this DR Marko who is ready to help anytime any day. to all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this Dr and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me .contact him now if you are also in need of help via email or whatsapp number +2348075705225 may God bless you sir for all your good works. contact Dr Marko today for your following diseases below


  10. I appreciate the wonderful work done in taking the shame away from my life, for more than 12 years i have been terrible infected with HIV/AIDS this devious disease was so bad that it made me inability to do what i was ought to be doing as a woman, i visited several places all told me that i can’t be cured, but i believed that one day i will regain my life back to it normal state, one certain afternoon i was checking a report on the web then i came across some post of so many people talking about doctor Sylvester on how he has cured all manners of diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and so many more, i contacted him on his email and then i spoke with him on the phone and he assured me that he will make sure that i am totally cured that i shouldn’t worry that all is going to be fine, he told me what was needed to buy and that was it,two days later Dr sylvester sent me some herbal medicine and when i received it and used it in 2 weeks i was totally cured, all thanks to Dr Sylvester you can contact him true his email at or his mobile number +2348158829724

  11. Hello,
    I was diagnosed of this HIV deadly disease. a friend of mine introduce Dr peter to me and I actually did contact him after he has prepare the herbal medicine he sent it to me and I used it according to his prescription after one week I went to the hospital to check my status again because I was feeling differently from the way I tested POSITIVE before, to my greatest surprise the status was HIV NEGATIVE the medical doctors there was surprise and I have to tell the whole world about this if you are still having this similar problem I recommend you to dr peter his email is you can call dr PETER ,OR Whatsapp hem on this very number +2348132537313

  12. My life is beautiful thanks to you, Mein Helfer. Lord Jesus in my life as a candle light in the darkness. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know that even when I cried all day thinking about how to recover, you were not sleeping, you were dear to me. I contacted the herbal center Dr Itua, who lived in West Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg is also from Africa. She told me about African herbs but I was nervous. I am very afraid when it comes to Africa because I heard many terrible things about them because of my Christianity. god for direction, take a bold step and get in touch with him in the email and then move to WhatsApp, he asked me if I can come for treatment or I want a delivery, I told him I wanted to know him I buy ticket in 2 ways to Africa To meet Dr. Itua, I went there and I was speechless from the people I saw there. Patent, sick people. Itua is a god sent to the world, I told my pastor about what I am doing, Pastor Bill Scheer. We have a real battle beautifully with Spirit and Flesh. Adoration that same night. He prayed for me and asked me to lead. I spent 2 weeks and 2 days in Africa at Dr Itua Herbal Home. After the treatment, he asked me to meet his nurse for the HIV test when I did it. It was negative, I asked my friend to take me to another nearby hospital when I arrived, it was negative. I was overwhite with the result, but happy inside of me. We went with Dr. Itua, I thank him but I explain that I do not have enough to show him my appreciation, that he understands my situation, but I promise that he will testify about his good work. Thank God for my dear friend, Emma, I know I could be reading this now, I want to thank you. And many thanks to Dr. Itua Herbal Center. He gave me his calendar that I put on my wall in my house. Dr. Itua can also cure the following diseases ... Cancer, HIV, Herpes, Hepatitis B, Inflammatory Liver, Diabetis, Fribroid,Parkinson's disease,Inflammatory bowel disease ,Fibromyalgia, recover your ex. You can contact him by email or whatsapp, @ .., phone number .. + 2348149277967 .. He is a good doctor, talk to him kindly. I'm sure he will also listen to you.

  13. I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday.This disease started to circulate all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, a few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man Dr. Silver and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to Dr. Silver telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr. assured me that I have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if I have been finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. Silver ( sir I am indeed grateful for the help I will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address ( or whatsapp him on +2348123877102


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