Moringa - '' The Miracle Tree''

The story begins with one man viewing a Discovery channel documentary on a plant grown in far away lands. As he watched, his interest piqued when he observed people literally been sustained by consuming small amounts of this miracle plant. So he began asking the right questions and the answers arrived from the likes of scientists, biochemists and pharmacologists the world over. The man asking these question was Ken Brailsford.
Moringa is a natural, powerful nutrition house. While its one of the newer discoveries to modern medicine, it has been making strides in various societies for thousands of years. These seeds continue to amaze the scientific world with its amazing balance of antioxidants, minerals and aminoacids.

Nourishing the World....................
Dozens of humanitarian organisations now promote the use of moringa in poverty stricken areas to combat malnutrition and its adverse effects on the body...These groups are reintroducing the different health benefits of this fast growing , drought-resistant plant to malnourished people in various under-developed areas. While conventional treatments for malnutrition may take months, healthcare professionals have discovered that people who take moringa show improvement within days. One of the more amazing things that moringa is been used for is to prevent childhood blindness, a condition that can develop from vitamin A and retinol deficiencies. Moringa contains sufficient amount of these nutrients to eliminate these conditons.

The seeds, pods, and leaves are very medicinal....
Did you know that moringa contains four times more Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene than carrot?, more Vitamin C than Oranges, More calcium than is contained in Milk, more potassium count than Bananas, greater amount of iron than spinach, while at the same time delivering essential Amino-acids?...

Moringa Flowers.......... 

  • Flower juice improves the quality and flow of Mother's milk when breast feeding.
  • Flower juice is useful for urinary problems as it encourages urination.
  • In Haiti, villagers boil Moringa flowers in water and drink its tea as a powerful cold remedy.

Moringa Pods.........

  • If eaten raw, can act as a dewormer and treat liver and spleen and pains of the joints.
  • Due to the high protein and fiber content, they can play a useful part on treating malnutrition and diarrhoea.
Moringa Seeds...........
  • The seeds are used for its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cramps, sexually transmitted diseases and boils. The seeds are roasted, pound, mixed with coconut oil and applied to the problem area.
  • They can be used as a relaxant for epilepsy.
  • They are  effective against skin-infecting bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. They contain the potent antibiotic and fungicide Terygospermin.

From Moringa leave powder to Moringa seed oil, there is still so much to learn about the amazing benefits of Moringa Oleifera..............Lets all work together to create awareness! *winks*

Living Healthy!!!!!!!!!!!

culled from


  1. Hey nicki,how do I get dis moringa

    1. You may want to check this website for the product:

  2. After taking in
    powder twice a day for the second week now, I am starting to feel the difference, more particularly the decrease of wrinkles in my face.

    You may want to check the moringa that I use. They are organically grown by the expert hands Cebu farmers.


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