Severe Hearing Loss in Children................

Early intervention is key to loss of hearing in children....2 to 3 children out of 1000 in Nigeria are born deaf or hearing impaired. Any kind of early hearing loss can be a serious problem. It can undermine the foundation of language development,which experts believe is built during the early months and years of life.

It can be very hard to identify hearing loss until signs of speech and developmental delays show up - many hearing impediments aren't identified until the child is 2. However ,a variety of techniques exist to test hearing in children regardless of the child's age..

 Children can experience hearing loss due to a variety of causes including:

  • Otitis media...This middle ear infection occurs often in young children because their Eustachian tubes (the tubes that connect  the middle ear to the nose) are not fully developed. Fluids build up behind the eardrum and can become infected. Even if there is no pain or infection,the fluid can impair hearing if it stays there,at least temporarily. In severe and chronic cases, otitis media can lead to permanent hearing loss. 
  • Congenital factors....Some children are born with hearing problems- either as a result of genetic factors or because of prenatal or childbirth problems. More than half of all congenital hearing problems in children are due to genetics. Hearing loss can also result when a pregnant woman develops certain conditions such as diabetes or toxemia. Premature birth also raises a child's risk for hearing problems.
  • Acquired hearing loss....A variety of conditions can also trigger hearing problems  in young children ,including illnesses such as meningitis, encephalitis, measles, chicken pox, some form of genetic hearing loss, and influenza. Head injuries,very loud noise and certain medications can lead to acquired hearing loss.
As a parent, you are likely to be the first person to notice hearing problems in your child. Some early indications of a hearing problem include:
  • Not reacting to loud noises
  • Not responding to your voice
  • Making simple sounds that eventually taper off
A child with Otitis Media may also:
  • Pull or rub an ear
  • Be constantly irritable for no apparent reason
  • Become listless or inattentive
  • Not understand directions 
  • Often ask for the television or radio to be louder
  • Have a fever
  • Have ear  pain.
Check with your child's doctor if you have any reason to suspect that your child has hearing problems. 
Mind who gives your kids a bath, avoid soapy liquid from getting into their ears.....

Have an awesome weekend!! *winks*

Living Healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!


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