Habits that Wreck your TEETH! Stop it.....

Chewing on Ice... 
This is one habit synonymous with a lot of people. Yes, its natural and sugar free so you might think it's harmless but munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. 

Regular tooth aches could easily follow when this mindless chomping of ice  irritates the soft tissue inside your tooth. Hot foods and cold foods may even trigger quick, sharp jabs of pains or a lingering tooth ache. So when next you have the urge to chew some rock solid ice, go for some sugarless gums...

Playing sports with no Mouth Guard...
This goes to the guys who love football and maybe some basket ball. You should be safety conscious when playing contact sport. Do not get into a game without a mouth guard. Without it your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets tough...This could ruin your chances of getting to talk to that pretty chic you've had a eye on ever since..

Tongue Piercing...
Yea ! these may be trendy but biting down on the metal stud can crack a tooth. Lip piercings pose a similar risk. When metals rub against the gum, it could cause gum damage that may lead to tooth loss. The mouth is a haven for bacteria remember, so piercings raise the risk for infections and sores.. So while you contemplating the next  beauty move, weight the risks.

Grinding your Teeth..
I know a couple of people who do this for fun! Why would you? Do you know the health effects of this habit? It could wear out your teeth overtime.While for some people its an act of fun..for others it's usually caused by stress and bad sleeping habit. Wearing a mouth guard at night could prevent you from grinding your teeth while you sleep.

Cough Drops....
Just because cough drops are sold in every walk-in store doesn't mean they are good for your teeth. Most are loaded with sugar. So after soothing your teeth with a lozenge, be sure to brush well.. Whether the sugar comes from a cough drops or a hard candy, it reacts with the sticky plague that coats your teeth. Then the bacteria in the plague converts the sugar into an acid that eats away at tooth enamel bringing forth cavities.

Candy isn't the only culprit when it comes to added sugar. Soda's can have up to 11 tablespoons of sugar at a serving. To add insults to injury sodas also contain phosphoric and citric acids, which eat away at tooth enamel. Diet soda's help you skip the sugar but they may have even more acids in form of artificial sweeteners.

Opening stuff with your teeth...
Are you one of them party mongers who feel it's a total waste of time to wait for the bottle opener.... Clap for yourself! Using your teeth as tools could cause them to crack or chip. Please keep a bottle opener handy. Your teeth should be only used for eating.

Potato Chips...
The bacteria in plague will also break down starchy foods into acid. This acid could attack your teeth for the next 20 minutes if it's stuck between your teeth or if you snack on it often. You might want to floss after eating starchy foods or any food that gets stuck in the teeth.

Constant snacking..
Snacking produces less saliva than a meal leaving food bits in your mouth for longer hours. Avoid snacking regularly and if possible stick to snacks that are low in sugar and starch - e.g. Carrots.

Chewing on Pencils...
Do you ever chew on pencils when concentrating on work or studies? Just like munching the ice, this could cause a chip or crack to your teeth. Someone is saying to himself, can this be true? Do adults still do this? Yes they do! lol..

The dark color of coffee can cause yellowing of the teeth over time. The good news is, it is one of the easiest stains to clean treat with various whitening methods. Consult your dentist if you have such stains.

Cigarettes as well as other tobacco products can stain the teeth and cause them to fall as a result of gum disease. Tobacco can also cause cancer of the mouth, lips and tongue. If you are looking for one more reason to quit smoking, think of your smile.

Hey Friends, take good care of your teeth! else you end up toothless!...Do not kill that beautiful smile.

Living Healthy...*winks*


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