Obesity in Children.......

Hello friends.... I sincerely apologize for the delay in posting some of my articles, I am so happy to be back. Today we would focus on the children.
How overweight is your kid? I've had to walk pass some children and wonder if they have been stuffed with some undergarment. Children are now been diagnosed for juvenile diabetes...Who takes the blame for this? 

Global obesity levels in the young are on the rise. Genetic factors may amount to about 5% of the total obese population of kids but the rest is down to environmental factors- Eating patterns  and levels of physical activities.

What are the Health Implications?
Low self esteem, depression and low academic performance are only but a few of the impact your child feels from been overweight. Others include Cancers, asthma, Liver Disease and High blood Pressure.
Why put the innocent child through all these..? The most important thing to do as a parent is to measure your child's weight and height frequently to check their body mass index (BMI) .

Parents hear this: Once your child is slightly older, its a good idea to start weighing and measuring the child against the bedroom wall and on the scales to check their BMI against the levels in a book called the ''Personal Child Health Record''.

Catch it early...
The older the child, the more likely they are to remain obese as adult. So it is important to spot any issue early.
From the first birthday onwards, parents should think about the quality of food their children eat.
If this time is well managed,the child should have a good chance to stay at a healthy weight. A good beginning will also lead to a good end.
Include a lot of fruits and vegetables to their meals..I have seen kids who hate vegetables, salads and often times beans. This should not be the case. Catch it early!

Lets Talk...
The harm has been done already! The once beautiful kid has grown into an obese teen. Then its time to talk! Are you that parent that finds communicating with your kid very difficult? That has to stop. The child must be able to trust you with their most dreaded secret. He/She must be able to talk to you about their weight, including the bullying and peers side talk that makes them depressed.

Keep them active...
Why make the helps do all the house chores? Get the kids working..They should be involved in the daily running of the home. This increases their metabolism and keeps them active. Physical activity is very important, take a walk with your kids and engage them in skipping or jogging on the spot.. This could be loads of fun when you do it together. 

''Whenever i go visiting my niece and nephew, we often times engage in a jumping spree while singing rhymes or counting numbers.. They just love it! You always end up giving up before they do.. You can try this at home..

Try restricting screen time, reduce the chocolates, salted chips and candies. Give them some brain tasking assignments and get the best out of these kids.

Tips on a Healthy diet...

Breakfast is King...
Giving your child a good breakfast is one of the most important things you should do as a parent. Going for wholegrain options, porridge, yogurt or wholemeal bread or fruits would help your child focus better at school and have more energy. It will actually help them burn calories by kick- starting their metabolism.

Portion Size...
One of the biggest reasons that kids are overweight is they have far too large portion sizes. Its better to give them a handful (their hands, not yours) of each food stuff e.g. some rice, beans,vegetable and salad.

Stay Firm...

Children are fussy eaters but you need to remember what diet decision is yours and which is theirs.

You decide what they eat, when and where while they decide if they eat it and how much they eat.

Don't give into their demands for what,where and when- ''If they go to bed hungry, then they will be sure to eat what you give them the next day'' No Pity!

Eat Together... 
It is important to eat as a family, sitting at a table without the television on. Parents need to be good role models for their kids in what they eat.

Lets move on towards a healthy obese-free future... *winks*

Living Healthy.....


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