Are you still texting while driving your kids?.......................

Texting and driving is a growing trend all over the has become a killer! Why do we still text and drive? Smartphones are assassins when you are behind the wheels.... A texting driver is 23 times more likely to get into a crash than a non-texting driver....
We live in a world where multitasking has become a norm. Did you know that the average text takes a drivers eyes off the road for nearly 5 Secs? 

People feel constant pressure to remain in contact even while driving...why is this so? You may not be guilty of this act but have you taken out time to educate the professionals driving you or your kids to school? How safe are your kids in the hands of these drivers? Some kids take the school bus to and from careful are these drivers? Do the appropriate authorities from the school ensure that these drivers are properly trained on good manners when behind the wheels?

Career men/women multitasking behind the wheels while taking their kids to school.....reading the dailies/documents, applying makeup, eating breakfast, adjusting their outfits, wearing their jewelries etc....Haba!! can't it wait...! 

Are you that parent that constantly endangers the lives of your kids  through these nonchalant behavior?......Or the teen who is old enough to drive his siblings but never does that without reaching out for his smartphone?.......

Oh thou smartphone!!!! a device that has caused a lot of people to lose their lives out of a major cause of road not indulge!

Remember your family needs you! kill the conversation and remain focused while you drive...Show these kids the right example,by staying focused on the road......

Stop Texting! Stop the Wrecks!!!...........*winks*

Living Healthy!....................


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