Try these and you'll be cutting calories without noticing...............

Engaging in some little acts could unconsciously aid in cutting most body calories.....
Below are some of them....

1. Buy smaller crockery......

Getting in the habit of using smaller bowls,mugs,plates can help you eat and drink less without noticing the difference.....Yes! Why don't you try this out....

2. Hide the remote control......
               This is not just a sure-fire way to annoy everyone else in your household. Getting up to change channels can give you a low-impact workout during an otherwise lazy day in front of the TV...
Jane Mitchell nutritional director at says you can burn as much as 100 calories simply from getting off the sofa. Just think of the calorie you'll burn simply by getting up at intervals to flick between watching X-factor and Dancing with the stars....Lol!

3. Do the Supermarket Aerobics........
                When next you go sure to go through all the aisles of the shop. What's the surprise look on your face? lol!  Pack your own bags and carry them to your car yourself and if you must use a trolley, push it yourself all the way to your car. After transferring the grocery's ,be sure to return the trolley to the store rather than leaving it at the collection point in the car park...
Do i hear you say... Oh no Nicki ! you can't be serious!?....Lol! I'm so serious .....You could burn as much as 140 calories..

4. Ditch the pizza crust.....

    Stop trying to see your way through the super tough crust. Pizza crust are almost always laden with fat so you'll save around a 100 calorie if you don't eat them. Say no to garlic bread and ask for your salad dressing on the could save a further 200 calories....

5. Do a lot of walking......
Expecting a call.?....Leave your phone upstairs with that you'll have to run up when you hear it ring.....! If you are home,why call your friends living close by over the phone wouldn't you rather take a walk to their homes and do the chatting...
Walk over to that colleagues desk and stop sending countless emails.......

6. Get spicy......
Adding herbs and spicies to your meals gives it extra zest and flavors and naturally makes you take smaller mouthfuls...The result is you get filled up quicker and consume less...
Eating spicy foods particularly chilli could increase your metabolism rate 3-4 hours after meal....

7. Give up your seat in the BRT......

Give up your seat in the BRT if you are not too will burn around 15 more calories by standing tall than you would seating down.... Some studies have shown that the enzymes responsible for burning fat shut down when we sit...
Get standing......

8.Have a good fidget...........
             Been a constant fidget can help you shift more calories...Research have shown that people who fidget more are generally slimmer that those who settle in very easily...

9. Drink ice cold water.....

 The prospect of dropping ice cubes into your cup of water on a cold day may not particularly be an enticing thought but it could be worth a try....Drinking ice cold water gives your body a little extra calorie burn because the water needs to be heated up in your tummy. Drinking plenty of water gets you filled up easily so you are less likely to reach out for sugary things...

10. An energetic sex session..........
The most enjoyable and energetic way to burn calories is an energetic sex session! Yes sooo true! You must remember that the more efforts you put in the more weight you lose so don't just lie back and close your eyes dreaming of Disneyland.....Get working!! Lol!
Research shows you lose about four to five calorie per minute during sex....Great new right! 

11. Cut the cappucino......

Although caffeine is commonly used to assist weight loss, frequent consumption can be very calorific. A little latte can contain as many as 300 calories, and if you make it a mocha, it could be as many as 600 calories or a third of your daily calorie allowance....
Make it a skinny or black coffee instead.....  

Engage in these acts.....Every calorie counts!! *winks*

Living Healthy!!!


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