Feel your breast...............

Cancer.....I have had the opportunity of staying close to a victim..You see their pains, their tears, their struggle to fight through...Some lose their lives and others end up survivors...
It affects nearly one in five people in the population...The development of abnormal cells which the body cannot control...
You are in the shower and you suddenly discover a lump you have never noticed before...it's alright to panic as you think through the worst scenario..hmm!
 As a Lady, how well do you understand your body? Understanding your body's natural looks and feel is vital so anything unusual can be easily spotted and checked.

Here are 5 basic rules every woman should know....

---Painful lumps are less likely to be dangerous than painless lumps
---Soft lumps are less likely to be dangerous than hard lumps.
---Lumps that move freely are less likely to be dangerous than the ones that don't.
---Smooth lumps are less likely to be dangerous than rough lumps.
---Lumps that grow very fast over a few days are unlikely to be dangerous.

These are general guidelines that are true in most cases but not necessarily in all cases... If you ever get worried,see your doctor..

Small, moveable lumps....

How does it look and feel? Rubbery and painless,although may sometimes feel tender.

Likely cause? A fibroadenoma or breast mouse which is as a result of excess growth of glands and connective tissues. Fibroadenoma's are most common in younger women within the ages of 20-30 but can occur in any age.

How can it be treated? Fibroadenoma does not increase the risk of breast cancer but any kind of lump should be seen by your doctor.

Pain in one or both breast...

How does it look and feel? May be an itching or a burning,stabbing or pricking pain that can spread to the armpit and beyond.

Likely cause? Cyclical or non-cyclical breast pain. Cyclical breast pain is common in a week or two before your period. Non-cyclical breast pain can occur at any time. It may be caused by problems with surrounding muscles/joints  or may have no apparent cause.

How is it treated? Although breast pain is rarely a symptom of anything serious,it is important to check it out with your doctor.Dietary changes and treatment with evening primose oil may help relieve breast pain in most women.

Lumpy breast although it may be hard to isolate a specific lump.....

How does it look or feel? Breasts may look lumpier,fuller  and heavier in the run-up to your period and may be uncomfortable and painful..

Likely cause? Diffused nodularity - lumpy breast which is very common before the menopause.

How is it treated? Lumpy breasts are normal but it is important to know what looks and feels normal for you so you can easily spot any difference.

A Grape-shaped lump that appears suddenly most often found in the upper part of the breast.....

How does it look and feel?  The lump feels soft and smooth,may be tender and mobile and may become larger and feel sore before your period.

Likely cause? A cyst - a fluid filled sac under the skin which is most common in women from their 30's to menopause. Cysts near the surface tend to feel soft while deeper cysts tends to feel like hard lumps.

How is it treated?  It is important to see your doctor immediately to check any lump. cysts are often left untreated but the fluid may be removed using a fine needle and syringe.

Painless,fixed,hard, irregular lump......

How does it look and feel? Usually painless

Likely cause? Could possible be a cancerous lump, although it may be another benign condition caused by extra growth of tissue within the breast nodules.

How is it treated?  Nine out of ten breast lumps are benign . See your doctor immediately.

Changes to the feel or appearance(s) of your breast.....

How does it look and feel? Skin thickening or dimpling, a change in the size or appearance of your breast, any nipple discharge or change in the position of the nipple.

Likely cause? Although there may be other explanations,these could all be signs of breast cancer so must be checked out.

How is it treated?  See your doctor immediately for further investigation.

A small lump under the areola (the darker tissue surrounding the nipple) in one or both breast..

How does it look and feel? There may be a discharge of clear,sticky or bloodstained fluid. it may be careful.

Likely cause? An intraductal papilloma - a wart like lump that develops in the duct behind the areola.

How is it treated?  Although this doesn't increase the risk of breast cancer it is advisable to always see your doctor.In most cases, no treatment is required but sometimes surgery may be required to remove affected ducts...

"It takes seconds to check and a lifetime to regret!" says Dr Graham Archard of the Royal College of General Practitioners.......

Ladies......! Feel your breast !! ...........Lol

culled from www.netdoctor.co.uk 

Living Healthy!!!!


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