
Showing posts from April, 2013

Avocado pear........

Avocado pear is considered as one of the healthiest foods in the planet because they contain in excess of 25 essential nutrients, including vitamin A,B,C,E&K , Iron, Phosphorous, Magnesium and Potassium.  Avocados may also contain fiber, protein and several beneficial phytochemical such as beta-sitosterol, glutathione and lutein which may protect against various disease and illness. Moreover , avocado is one of the high calorie food that you could be eating. This is due to its larger amount of fat content, approximately 20 times the average of other fruits. Although avocado is high in fat content, it is mostly the mono saturated fat which is a healthy fat variety. Do you need to lower your cholesterol level? Add some avocado to you r meal daily....! its that simple........ It contains Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid which helps maintain and regulate homocysteine levels. High levels of homocysteine is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.  Other benef...

Top 10 Unhealthy Cancer-Causing Foods.........Never eat these Again!!!

Many foods have indeed been scientifically shown to increase cancer risk and some of them substantially..... Here are 10 of the most unhealthy cancer-causing foods that you should never eat again. 1. Genetically Modified Organisms...           GMOs are everywhere including in most food derivatives made from conventional corn, soybeans and canola. Try avoiding these and stick to certified organic, certified non-GMOs or locally made foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology.... ( ) 2. Processed Meats.....          Most processed meat products including lunch meat,bacon,sausages and hot dogs contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh and appealing but that can also cause cancer. Both sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite have been linked to significantly increasing the risk of colon and other forms of cancer so be sure to choose only uncured meat products made without nitrit...


Cucumber are the fourth most cultivated fruit in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your body's overall health. It's a great source of vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D, Folate, Magnesium, Silicon, Potassium and calcium so make it a part of your daily meal. It re-hydrates the body and replenishes daily vitamins..... I love cucumber and take it regularly with groundnuts...often times when taking pasta I peel several slices over the plate of pasta........hmm yummy! Cucumbers are 95% water thus helping the body get hydrated while eliminating toxins. Don't forget  to leave the skin on because the skin contains a good amount of vitamin c. Peel a  slice of cucumber and place it over puffy's anti-inflammatory properties helps in reducing puffiness. Did you know that cucumber contains sulfur and silicon that stimulates hair growth? In the  fight against cancer, cucumbers are known to contain 3 lignans that have a strong history of resea...

8 Things you should NOT do Every day

I got this on LinkedIn and thought i shared it with you as it sure made a difference in my relationships...  The writer Jeff Harden learned much of what he knows about business and technology as he worked his way up in the manufacturing limited. Everything else he picks up from ghostwriting for some of the smartest leaders in knows in business... Please have fun reading.... Everyday, make the commitment not to: 1. Check my phone while i'm talking to someone.  You've done the ,''Wait, let me answer this text...'' thing. Maybe you didn't  even say, ''Wait. '' You just stopped talking ,stopped paying attention and did it. Want to stand out? Want to be that person everyone loves? Stop checking your phone. it doesn't notice when you aren't paying attention. Other people? They notice... And they care. 2. Multitask during a meeting. The easiest way to be the smartest person in the room is to be the person who pays the most at...


Most people associate cholesterol with the fatty foods....Do you know that most of this waxy substance is made by our own bodies? The body produces 75% of the cholesterol that circulates in our blood. The other 25% comes from the food we take in. Truth is, at normal levels cholesterol actually plays an important role in helping our body cells function. High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms but it does cause damage deep within the body. It causes a build up of plaques inside the artery known as atherosclerosis , this condition narrows the space available for blood flow and this can trigger a heart disease. The good news is high cholesterol is simple to detect and there are many ways to bring it down.... The illustration above are examples of cholesterol rich foods. For most people it has no effect on their cholesterol levels while for some ,eating these foods triggers the level in their blood stream.  Do you know the daily cholesterol level are 300mg for healthy...


During my  NEBOSH class, I got this video  from my tutor Steve Gill on good manual handling techniques and how children naturally  obey these simple techniques in the playground. Wow! its amazing how these kids do this ...... As kids ,they realize that their lumbrae vertebrae isn't fully mature to support heavy load so they unconsciously squat to pick up objects and also support the load with their body. We all should become like little children. The effects of strain from continuous bending and twisting on our spinal cord may not be noticed immediately but as time goes on ,we begin to notice it. Take good care of your back...  I hope you enjoy this video! Have a great weekend!! Living healthy!!

Why do you avoid smell?

Garlic Hey Friends, why avoid garlic....? Do you know that garlic ranks as one of the most potent remedies of all time. For effectiveness and health benefits it even challenges some of the conventional medicines today! Garlic contains powerful sulfur compounds that kills and inhibits various types of bacteria,fungi and parasites on contact! AMAZING!! It also works within the body's vital system such as the circulatory, digestive and immunological systems to promote detoxification,cleansing,lowering blood pressure, strengthening the immune system and healing. Its a powerful fruit and can be added to almost any savory dish to give an awesome flavor....I love it! You can adopt a system of taking garlic at least once a week. I learnt this from my mum.....and i'm more willing to share this method with you. For those who avoid it cos of the smell.... Here's a tip that could help you... - Carefully peel a sufficient quantity of garlic . - Place it on a chopping board ...

Manual Handling.......Possible Cause of Backache?

Growing up as a female child ,I was taught to sweep the house bending really low to the ground as I would always recall my mum's constant reminder on the need to sweep the house with the body of the broom and not the tip. A norm common in various homes not just mine..... Backache is a major health issue every where in the world. One third of all work related injuries back ache inclusive is caused by manual handling... Performing house chores and lifting heavy materials at work are one of the many ways through which we can experience these aches. Other ways include improper seating positions at work and sleeping on a rather too soft bed...This is particular important for the aged because as they advance in age ,they require a mattress that would provide all the support for their joints,back and overall body. A good example of such is the Orthopedic Mattress. In performing house chores,vacuum cleaners,long brooms or brushes can be used to avoid bending and twistin...

Fish...... Should I or Should I Not? Friend or Foe?

A cold blooded animal with so much health benefit... hmm... Do you know that eating fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acid regularly could lengthen your lifespan...? Large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acid found in salmon , mackerel, herring or tuna in your blood stream could prolong your life.....what are you waiting for to start enjoying this delicacy. Fish contains Heart-healthy protein and fatty acid,thus meals rich in fish lowers the risk for a heart disease. I understand why most people shy away from eating fish......Fear of Contaminant! hmm.... True that....  Imagine the high level of pollution in the marine environment ....The figures are alarming...! The question is this...Should we forgo Fish because of the contaminants they may carry? The contaminants of most concern today are mercury,polychlorinated biphenyls (PCE's), dioxins and pesticide residue....  People tend to carry out a lot of hideous activities ashore and the resultant pr...


You may begin to ask me what psoriasis is? Psoriasis is a skin infection that appears as a thick , patchy, red rash with silvery white scales. it commonly occurs on the scalp,lower back ,knees and elbows. it usually starts as a few red bumps, these may become larger and thicker eventually developing scales. Theses patches may join together and cover large areas of the body. The rash can be itchy and uncomfortable  and may bleed easily if rubbed or picked. More than half of the people with skin plague usually develop psoriasis of the nails as well. This makes the nail look yellowish-red. The nail may also crumble, become pitted or develop grooved lines.  Whenever you see someone who's nails look like the picture illustrated above, the person would also have psoriasis somewhere on the skin..... 15% of people with psoriasis usually develop psoriasis arthritis,a painful and sometimes disabling inflammation of the joints.  This usually occurs at any age but is c...


The word douche is F re nch for 'wash' or 'soak '. It is a me thod to wash out the vagina ,usually with a mixture of vinegar and water. I t comes in a bottle or bag and is sprayed through a tube upwards into the vagina.  Some women say douc hing helps them feel clean and fresh........ True! BUT  I must say that the risk of douching far outweighs the benefits.... Here are just a few probl ems linking dou ch ing: 1. Virginal Infections (bacterial vaginosis): Douching affects the n atural balance of bacteri a in the vagina. These changes makes the environment more favorab le for the growth of bacter ia th at causes infection. 2. Pelvic Inflammation (PID): Women who douch have a 73% higher risk of getting a PID. PID is an infection of the uterus, fallopian tube and/or ovaries. 3. Pregnancy Complication: Women wh o d ouche more than once a week ,have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who don't. I t als o increases the risk o f ectopic pregnancy......

The worlds best ELIXIR.......

Waking up every morning , I take 3 glas ses of  table water to keep my body cle an, hydrated and healthy. The body's energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water taken in . As adults , you lose water through the sole of your feet, bre athing, perspiration and the passing of urine. As these body mechanisms continue, there is need to replace lost fl uid through th e constant intake of water. When you are not taking enough water, the body has to compensate for the shortage . T o eliminate fluid retention drink a lot of water not less. If you do not drink enough water to maintain your body f luid balance,you can impair every aspect of your body's physiological function. Most people suffer from body aches r angin g fr om waist pai n to back aches.. I would alw ays advise regular fluid intake.....Now I must emphasize on th e need for pure, crystal water and not juices or sweetened water ..... There is a hug e difference between drinking water and drink...