Staying Married....

Everyday I log on to surf the web and come across creepy headlines about marriages that had turned sour.... I can't help but wonder why and this got me thinking....

Wait a minute! These people were once in deep that they considered a lifetime together..So the question is what went wrong?

The clothes..the vendors...the crowd-filled rooms ... guests calling in per sec.... It's a major fuss these days about getting married. The days of  preparation for the D- day is always filled with laughter and loads of happiness...irrespective of the challenges some couples face as they look forward to tying the knot, the butterfly feeling never really disperses. 
We all look forward to the wedding but are never really prepared and equipped for the journey ahead. 
After the lovely music serenade, dance, colorful clothing and awesome gifts...then the silence creeps in.. Everyone goes back home and you left with HIM''.

Then he starts to hit you.... The black eye begins to develop! You can't go out without the sun glasses... My question is this? Didn't you date him? Didn't you see the signs?

He slapped you once...and probably apologized.... Did you think it would never happen again? 

I heard a story of a lady who caught her man cheating on her few days to their wedding (He actually had a threesome .... YEPAA!! - In his defense, he said to her....''I have always wanted to try this out... I thought it was best I got it done and dusted.. I didn't want to cheat on you after tying the knot..!!! Really!) 

.. The invitations were out... Guest lists were filled.. Clothes and all were ready and on point! She thought of the disgrace and embarrassment a cancellation of the wedding would cost her and her family .....She carried on with the wedding! 

Now His cheating self has gone way out of control and SHE wants to commit MURDER! Really!! Like Seriously!! ..... Sweetie this isn't new to it?

Ladies who get into marriages with the conviction that they would change their men are always in for the disappointment of their lives! YOU CAN'T CHANGE HIM..

Be certain He or She is the one you want to be with...Don't Manage ém...Look through the flaws and be sure of your ability to cope with it... Falling in Love is Easy but staying in Love is a lot of work! Every successful marriage is  based on God's principle...  Husbands loving their wives and wives been submissive to their husbands... SIMPLE!

In addition to the God factor..The primary principle to staying in love is making sure that there is some place OR something to wake up to every morning! Putting your hands to work is essential to keeping a home... like the saying goes '' Idle Mind is the Devil's tool'' ...

Being Idle is Pathetic!

Learn to communicate with each other.. Keep the Bed room sacred.. Take the television out of the bedroom... It's a venue for intimacy, dialogue and decisions... 

Nurture fondness and admiration.. Learn to express the positives of your spouse... Deeply appreciate every good effort to make you happy.. 

Resolve to never allow the day end without resolving your personal problems. You can begin by learning to pray together irrespective of the issues on ground. This means even after a quarrel, you both would hold hands to say the grace before bed... *smiles* Sounds good right?

Balance been a partner and a spouse.. Don't forget why you first fell in love.. 
Keep doing those little things that fanned the flames of the love you both shared to something so big that you were moved to spend the rest of your lives together.

Ladies...Take good care of your hair.. Wear nice clothes and lovely lingerie.. Smell good always and above all stay fit..

I was reading a book titled ''The Law Of Recognition'' by Mike Murdock days back and somewhere in the book caught my attention... In chapter 6 where he talked about the ''Recognition of the Mate God Has Approved For You'' ... He told us a story of how he watched a wife wave good-bye to her husband on morning... I quote ''She was at the front of the door waving...Missing buttons, a torn pocket and breakfast stains on her gown, and her hair up in rollers - she was everything a man wants to forget. I understood easily why he was so excited about driving off to work....where someone would greet him at the door with a bright smile, pressed clothes and perfume to impress him.... 

Mike went on to say '' You are a walking message system to those you love... Would you fly a plane with seats broken, egg on the tie of the pilot, missing buttons and torn seats? of course not. You would think, '' That's visible damage. What else has not been corrected in the engine''.

He concluded by saying '' Something is wrong when you no longer desire to present your best to your mate''.

I recommend that you pick up a copy of This book by Mike Murdock and you would be glad you did!

On the long run... parents need to raise sound minded children.. It's a ripple effect! If You raise a sound-minded kid in an atmosphere of love and warmth...He/She would eventually turn out to be an amazing man or woman who would eventually build an amazing home just as he or she was brought up......even better! 

In my next post... Ill be discussing about Couples and Finances.... 
Keep looking forward to the post..

Make a Resolve today... 


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