Just DO it...!

My heart once told me yes but I kept telling myself no...I kept pushing on the opportunities i had to express myself. Time passed swiftly like the soft wind and I could not see myself catching up with it...
A thousand times I feel like I should have followed my heart! Now it's too late. Wish I could turn back the hands of time...

Now that's my story! What is yours?....
Procrastination they say is the thief of time! Why do we keep pushing on that visit to a bosom friend? or staring at your crush for years and refusing to take a bold step? who knows a soft kiss could have made you feel better... How about pushing on the date night she's always looked forward to? or attending your kid's recitals..? 

Now you sit still and watch it all pass you by.... Things have changed and you wondering what went wrong! When all you did was sit and hope for a better day to get things done, forgetting the fact that you are not assured of tomorrow

Procrastination gets you nothing in life, if you think you deserve more in life then you have to earn it..

Do not destroy your chances of been a better colleague, a better friend, a better sibling, a better father or a better mother...Get those things done now. Build relationships! Learn to forgive each other. Let love strive!

A lot of relationships have crumbled because no one is ready to make sacrifices. We feel we have not put in a lot to build friendships, yet we keep pushing on the opportunities we have to mend the broken fences.

The life you have is a gift. Live it to the full..
So..What do you have the urge to do? Who do you feel like been with...? What are you waiting for?

....Share that kiss you've always longed for! Take her to dinner! Buy her flowers! Be at your baby's recitals! How about a family picnic! you could make use of some family time! 
It's high time you got your Masters! Who says you too old to study? oh! who cares about what they think?
How about taking that huge step to revive your career.... !

Get to work now... today is the tomorrow you spoke about yesterday!

 'Know the true value of time;snatch,seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no laziness. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.'- Lord Chesterfield

Love you *winks*


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