Fear is a terrible thing! We humans deprive ourselves from a lot of things because we are either afraid to try or too scared to leave our comfort zones! No one is perfect so never be afraid to try. One thing that has formed my decision to get things done is an anticipation of the outcome. Worse Scenario is a negative response!
If you must lead a creative life, you must lose that fear of been wrong. Give answers to your worse fears.. Ask Questions as to what the worse scenario could be... Its not enough to just ask these questions, Give them answers too.
A lot of people have dreams THAT HAVE GONE UNATTENDED TO!
When your life is saturated by incessant fears, depression creeps in!
I once met a guy who was too scared to fail. He was so scared to fail that he stopped trying! Isn't that Ironic? Sadly this is the story of about 90% of young adults in the country today.
The competition is so high! Peer Pressure sets in and when they feel like they can not meet up to the standards laid before them they freak out!
Now you wonder why there are so many young pedophiles, drug addicts, chain smokers, thief's, dupes, homosexual etc.
It's all a complex issue. Young ones who are too scared to try carve a niche for themselves and this becomes the resultant factor.
As the saying goes, Charity begins at home. Show me a delusional and fearful young lad and i'll show you his family. As a parent or guardian, you have a responsibility to raise a bold kid! Teach them morals. If every kid is raised in a home where domestic violence is condemned, we would not have the high levels of domestic violence we are currently witnessing in our world today.
I will tell you a quick story.... A friend of mine teaching in one of the best Montessori schools in town told me a story of a kid in her class. The young boy ( a grade 7 pupil) slapped a fellow pupil hard across the face (a girl). The pretty girl cried hard and ran off to her teacher. She called up the young lad and scolded him for his actions. This was his reply '' My daddy says a woman most not speak when a man is talking, he would always slap my mum if she dares that''
She rushed to the principal of the school and the parents were invited, she said to me that all through the interrogation, the woman was silent.
What do you think will become of that child when he grows up? With that kind of father! He dares not fail... Now when things do not go well with him in life, whats the probability that he would not resolve to juvenile behaviors? You want to why?....He will be too scared to fail!
The question is this... What kind of upbringing are you giving your children?
We must raise sound kids! The future is theirs to build...
For the adults who are afraid of the stormy paths of life ahead of them, here's a quick exercise JUST for you..
Stop for a minute right where you are. Relax your shoulders, Shake your head and spine like a dog shaking out cold water. Tell that imperious voice in your head to be still - Barbara Kingsolver
Love you boos! Soar like an Eagle... * winks*
Living Healthy!
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