Recycle for life..........
Recycle....Recycle....Recycle....These are words we hear every day..How committed are we to this cause?
Some time ago, I was in a meeting with some colleagues and a story was told of a friend of her's who just got out of a Postgraduate recycling class and on getting into her car, drank up the left over content of her pet can and off she flung it...right through the window.... Wooh..
The question is this? Do literates still engage in such acts? The answer is Yes! How do we send the right messages to others? How do we be that change? How do we spread this recycling message when those who ought to champion this cause are engaged in the same act..?
Reducing what you use and reusing what you already have matter just as much as recycling and when combined with recycling can make a huge dent on how much ends up in land fills.
The ability to know stuffs that can be recycled and those that cannot is paramount in protecting the environment...
Let's change our mentality today! Start seeing garbage itself as a resource..A lot of garbage that cannot be reused can be recycled or transformed into a brand new object!
Reduce consumption in regards to food waste! Prepare enough for your household and limit the amount that goes into the bin...
On June 5th 2013, the United Nations celebrated the World Environment Day in Mongolia. This year's event was themed; Think, Eat and Save and it was centered on reducing foodprint. It was an anti- food waste and food loss campaign. How do we manage food in our houses?
According to United Nation's Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, ''One way to narrow the hunger gap and improve the well-being of the most vulnerable is to address the massive loss and waste inherent in today's food system''.
We must all recognize that the protection and sustainable use of our planet's natural resource is fundamental to creating a safe, secure world for future generations...
Save our Environment..! Our ability to thrive towards sustainable Environmental development will help in preserving our environment for future generations....
Play your Part today! Be the Change...
Living Healthy...
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