Urine color Chart
Urine isn't something must people like to talk about. We barely give it more than a passing glance as it swirls out of sight down the toilet bowl. Changes in urine can provide important clues about the status of your body. Your urine can reveal what you've been eating, how much you've been drinking and what diseases you have. Urine is an important part of the body's disposal process. Its job is to remove the extra water and water-soluble waste the kidney filters from the blood. When you notice that your urine has changed color or there's a strange odor wafting up from the toilet, it may be a sign of a serious infection. Before you flush, here are a few urine changes to look out for: Color Changes Urine gets its yellow color from a pigment known as urochrome. That color normally ranges from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on the concentration of the urine. Darker urine is usually a sign that you are not taking enough fluid. Your body needs ...