Date Palm..

Image result for dates

Dates are so amazing!! I used to think of them as been too sweet for my taste buds until I got to learn more about this amazing fruit from Suleiman..This fruit has countless benefits ranging from been a great natural aphrodisiac to been an awesome protector of the Heart..
I once read an article titled'' Dates: The World's number one food against Heart Attacks, Hypertension, Stroke and Cholesterol... I found it very interesting!

Dates are packed with lots of nutrients and as seen in the picture below, Here are some of the reasons why you should eat dates..

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Judging from the percentage of fat contained in a date palm, it is unarguably an ideal snack for weight watchers amidst other awesome benefits..
I guess it's ideal to say we ought not to worry so much about the sweet taste since the percentage calorie is less than 13% which in my opinion could be seen as irrelevant when placed in comparison with their other tremendous nutritional values.
Of particular interest is it's ability to increase sexual stamina when put in combination with some other ingredients such as coconut milk,goat milk, and/or tiger nuts extracts... so if you looking for that boost, you should eat more dates! 

Just one more thing before I go, It is highly advised that careful selection be taken during watch out for those broken dates with the sticky feel as there's the likelihood of having germs on them.

Wash thoroughly before ingestion and don't let a day  go by without having some.. 

What are you waiting for?? *winks*

Have a great weekend!



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