Steps to lose belly fat

We all have to struggle with belly fat. How disgusting this is. First we tend to eat late night meals. Secondly we tend to eat the wrong things always. Stress induced weight gain seem more common as we tend to become  peckish when stressed out.
The first step to eliminating this fat is to be determined to lose them. First you must remember that several diseases are caused by these body fat. Most times we start some diet plan and never get to finish it because we get bored of these plans. You have to make a conscious decision to lose weight and very fast at that.
Here are a few start up points you might want to consider...

  • Get a journal and record your present weight in it. Keeping track of your progress would always serve as a booster.
  • Reduce your carb portions. Eat more proteins and vegetables. Oftentimes getting a timetable helps in re-organizing your meals.
  • Taking a good dose of Vitamin C helps in losing body fat. Without Vitamin C, your body finds it difficult to lose fat. 
  • Next make some Garlic Green Tea. This has powerful fat burning power.  Here's how its prepared:
Get a bag of green tea and diffuse in hot water. Add 2 or 3 peeled garlic cloves and let them steep for 3 - 5 minutes, spoon the cloves out and take the tea. This can be taken daily as it helps in invigorating the pancreas and eliminating fat.
  • Prepare some detox water.  It's a mixture of some cucumbers, grapefruits, tangerines and mint leaves. Why do we choose these..
Cucumbers prevents water retention and also has anti-inflammatory properties, Grapes provide the cleansing effect of citric acid and helps in clearing out the digestive system. Lemons could in used in place of grapes. Tangerine are rich in flavonoids and their juice helps to increase your immune system. You might want to replace that with Oranges if you wish. Finally is the peppermint leaf, these help to soothe any stomach cramps you may have and would aid in your digestion.

Chop some cucumber, Tangerine and Grapefruits. Put all chopped fruits in a jug and fill it with water. Add some peppermint leaves and leave overnight. Drink as much as you want. This could serve as a replacement for the sugary drinks you can't seem to take your mind off. 

You may refill your jug when you drink up the first mix but understand that the more you refill, the more diluted the drink becomes and it may lose its potency. So ill recommend that after 2 or 3 refills, you may throw off the cut fruits and replace with freshly cut portions. 

Lets try these out dearies....

Let me know what you think!

Living Healthy...


  1. well to me, as a health worker by inclination, I am inferring that after all the meditations,103% exercise will be better in need and monitoring what you cabbage in so that the result will not be deadly. Also, back it up with prayers. Thanks till next edition

  2. what goes around comes around, so what u use your wealth get will never bring you well-to-do-people take time,to avoid social embarrassment with your wealth and its implication

  3. What a great diet plan you shared here! I am impressed dear. Well, I think along with this proper diet plan the Green supplements are very beneficial. These green supplements provide a powerful boost of vitamins and antioxidants. What do you think?


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