Raising Daughters with Self Esteem

Mothers look at their daughters with great expectations of an amazing future. The joy of holding them at their infancy to seeing them mature from their toddling stage through to their adolescent and adulthood. Its awesome seeing them grow up into beautiful ladies and so you want the best for them: the ability to face life's storm, make great decisions and be bold as they pull through life. 
Most ladies have grown sullen and depressed....What could have gone wrong with our baby girls? They've grown so introverted that some have had to turn to friends for succor while others have turned to various social networks in a bid to gain acceptance from an unseen audience.
As parents how much have we tried to make these girls feel accepted? its important that you take out time to know your girls better, be their best friends and the first to hear all the dirty details..
Mothers have a greater task to perform as the girls go through puberty and the transition from elementary school  to secondary school stages as this could be very stressful on our girls. Share your stories with your baby girl. Tell her all about your life experiences, your mistakes and  successes...
She would learn to trust you with her failures and defeats. Our girls need to grow knowing that you got their backs irrespective of what happens in their lives.
We may also want to talk about the efforts we put into helping our girls build their level of confidence. I would love parents to know that well-intended words aimed at boosting their self esteem may backfire especially if aimed in the wrong direction. Take for example, praising her looks more than her academics and attitudes could sent the wrong message that her looks is of greater priority than anything else so creating a balance in the words directed at our babies is very important. 
Create the right mental picture in her head and watch her grow into the most beautiful lily ever!

Treat the female child with the utmost respect and courtesy, Build her into the woman you would want her to become and not into the woman you are. 

Most mothers were raised in fear and timidity, please do not pass this on to your baby.. Its alright if you feel you can't be a great mum at raising these girls, acknowledging this is the first step in the right direction. There are other ways you can influence the development of these positive traits in your daughter...

  • Be a positive role model: Try not to be overly focused on your appearance and do not talk negatively about your body.
  • Be her best friend: Listen to your daughter and encourage her to speak to you.
  • Watch Television and other medias with them: It creates a relaxed atmosphere for girly talk
  • Buy them games traditionally meant for boys, Get them involved in sports and other activities: it would boost their confidence.
  • Put an end to your stereotypes: Make the girls fix the broken sinks and fittings and have your boys do lunch.
  • Help them avoid been obsessed about their looks: Counter every negative thoughts they have about themselves and make them see how beautiful they are.
  • Gets their dads to be more involved in their lives: Daddies should learn to speak to their girls about everything. Your presence in their lives would make them formidable, bold, fearless and strong. Raise them like they were sons and watch them soar like eagles, taking on tougher courses at school and sporting activities. 
Getting daddy more involved in their lives would make them less likely to date an abusive man. 

Dearest ardent readers of the nickicripses blog...We can do much better than we already are in raising our daughters... Let's learn from each other...

What else needs to be done in raising Daughters of Healthy Self Esteem?

Living Healthy!!


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