Compulsive lying Disorder..

   I'll be blogging about a condition that describes someone to be a pathological liar. We all have that one friend who does nothing but tell lies. Sadly for some of these people, it's not intentional while for others it is. Just before you walk away from such a pal, i would want to ask if you've ever considered the fact that they may be suffering from a disorder...
Compulsive liars find comfort in lying as they tend to do this with so much ease even when the truth is staring right back at them.
People with this attitude have a personality disorder and are in dire need of help although most times they do not see the need to get help.
What would you do if someone around you was a pathological liar? Would you stop hanging out with them? or would you try to reform the person by talking it out with them? or would you simply live on with the person knowing that every word that ever proceeded from their mouth were all lies?
I have had friends who never told the truth for once as all they ever did was build a web of lies all about them. They virtually lied about anything and everything... and I never thought it was a disorder, I presumed it was a helluva annoying habit and so I would always want to keep a distance. 

I engaged my colleague in a discussion concerning this and relating his experience, he said... ''A friend of mine once told I and my friends that he had a private jet among so many other lies and on a particular occasion when we asked him to come fly us out to another state for a party, he told us the Governor borrowed it''

Another related this story.. '' A Mutual friend once told my friends and I that her father just took ownership of a new house that had talking doors which woke her up every morning... '' Like Seriously????

Amazing stories isn't it? and to think that they were coming from ADULTS!!!.. left me numb!.. lol

Making a clear distinction between lies, I'll love to point out that there are people who tell lies which are more like exaggerations or blank lies aimed at a particular issue at a point in time while there are habitual liars who have made a habit out of it. They have lived a lie all their life to the point where the lie now sounds like truth.. They live in a false reality that they have come to believe in and this has led them to a deceptive lifestyle.

Many Psychiatrists believe that most people with this problem have low self esteem and are looking for attention, love or even fame..... also neglect and failure of parents or guidance to provide for their children during their growing phase has been another reason that has been attributed to this habit. What ever the case maybe, it's important that the affected person comes to a realization that he/she needs to get help as there is no magic cure for it.

Therapy and Counselling may be highly beneficial if the person's with the disorder admit to themselves that there is actually a problem.If the person does not recognize that they suffer from this condition, then therapy will be of no consequence.

There are treatment options for this disorder but they can only be effective if the compulsive liar agrees to treatment. 

This disorder usually has a significant impact on the sufferer and those close to them so if therapy is initiated, it will likely be geared towards the addictive aspect of the disorder as well as helping the person understand their behavior and how it impacts others. Later, there will be measures taken to help the person change their way of thinking. Some psychiatrists may prescribe antidepressants to treat underlying issues with depression and self-esteem. Also, the prescription of anti-anxiety medications may be used to decrease the feeling of anxiety that may unconsciously prompt the individual to lie.

Again, it must be noted that therapy will only help the individual if they admit they do have a problem. Maintaining a relationship of any kind with a person suffering from compulsive lying disorder can be complicated. In fact, relationships are almost certain to end without the involvement of a therapist.

Loved ones are encouraged to attend therapy and counselling with the sufferer's as it allows them gain insight into the disorder and express their feelings openly about ant pressing issues that they may have nursed within them.

Above all of these, it is entirely up to the person with the disorder  as to whether or not they are able to regain their ability to tell the truth consistently...

Culled from


  1. Am Laura Mildred by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes 4 years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr. Morrison Hansen post on how Dr. Emu saved him from Herpes with herbal medicine i contacted Dr. Emu on his Email: we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test,then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now thanks to Dr. Emu God bless you. Email him at: Call or Whats-app him: +2347012841542


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