
Showing posts from May, 2014

Domestic Violence...........GET OUT NOW!!

''He was quiet and loving! His friends were less than a handful, He was always home. Everywhere I went, he always wanted to be there. I felt loved...It slowly turned to jealousy. Now he hits me at every insecure feeling. He hits me without asking questions...Then there's the tearful apology and awesome makeup sex that would always leave me feeling so special...I loved every moment! We got married and this continued... I kept no male friends and signing up on any of the social network sites was forbidden. I still felt loved because.... he wasn't cheating on me. On this fateful day, he hit me so hard....I lost my life in the process.... I didn't live long enough to experience the tearful apology and awesome makeup sex I loved!'' To hell with the awesome makeup sex and tearful apologies!! Thousands of women all over the world are stuck in abusive marriages. Some do not live long enough to tell their story. The question still remains.. Who is to blame?  ...


You just ticked the box that says you've read and agreed with the terms and condition without truly looking through it ...  We are all guilty of this anyways! I do not wish to throw stones right now because we all live in glass houses but this is for us to encourage each other and work towards living better lives.  Why the lies?  I personally love listening to lies when I know the truth. I have come to realize that its a whole lot easier to speak the truth. Some lies are so white!!! Oh no! there's this urge to slap the person across the face. This crazy dude called lie has destroyed a lot of marriages, relationships, families, siblings and groups yet we keep letting him in!  When do we learn to make a conscious decision to be truthful at all time?  Most people live false lives, some claim to be happy when they are not....some claim to be rich and comfortable when they ain't even worth a penny....! Learn to accept who you are and stop b...


Fear is a terrible thing! We humans deprive ourselves from a lot of things because we are either afraid to try or too scared to leave our comfort zones! No one is perfect so never be afraid to try. One thing that has formed my decision to get things done is an anticipation of the outcome. Worse Scenario is a negative response!  If you must lead a creative life, you must lose that fear of been wrong. Give answers to your worse fears.. Ask Questions as to what the worse scenario could be... Its not enough to just ask these questions, Give them answers too. A lot of people have dreams THAT HAVE GONE UNATTENDED TO! When your life is saturated by incessant fears, depression creeps in!  I once met a guy who was too scared to fail. He was so scared to fail that he stopped trying! Isn't that Ironic? Sadly this is the story of about 90% of young  adults in the country today.   The competition is so high! Peer Pressure sets in and when ...

Drinks that could help you lose weight....

Vegetable Juices These are ideal for your weight loss plan. Cabbage, kale, cauliflower or broccoli are examples of cruciferous veggies and they are ideal for fighting fat. Another notable benefit of these veggies is that they help to fight off free radicals and keep you healthy. They are rich in natural phytonutrients and they are perfect for providing general detoxification, balancing hormone levels and controlling blood sugar levels. Green Tea I once read a book that stated that if you too busy for a work routine on a regular basis, drinking a cup of green tea will deliver all the antioxidants your body needs and helps ion burning fat at a very fast pace. Popular among the Japanese, green tea are best used in relieving stress and  burning fat. These do this by suppressing your appetite,they help you shed excess pounds. Detox Juices These are easy to make juices. High-fiber root foods such as ginger, carrot or apples are also highly recommended for th...

Just DO it...!

My heart once told me yes but I kept telling myself no...I kept pushing on the opportunities i had to express myself. Time passed swiftly like the soft wind and I could not see myself catching up with it... A thousand times I feel like I should have followed my heart! Now it's too late. Wish I could turn back the hands of time... Now that's my story! What is yours?.... Procrastination they say is the thief of time! Why do we keep pushing on that visit to a bosom friend? or staring at your crush for years and refusing to take a bold step? who knows a soft kiss could have made you feel better... How about pushing on the date night she's always looked forward to? or attending your kid's recitals..?  Now you sit still and watch it all pass you by.... Things have changed and you wondering what went wrong! When all you did was sit and hope for a better day to get things done, forgetting the fact that you are not assured of tomorrow .  Procrastination  g...


She feels mistreated ...'I can't believe you did this to me'... Now she plots a payback! He has to pay for what he did to me. On one hand she has a point! She's pained! He has hurt her deep..but on the other hand....'Is it worth the payback?' Everybody has problems, everybody has the bad times! Do we sacrifice all the good times because of them? The best revenge is just moving on and getting over it. Don't give someone the satisfaction of watching you suffer.  How do you start the next chapter of your life when all you do is read through the last chapters continuously? Over the weekend, i heard some really troubling stories of ladies who have gone through one form of heartbreak or another and this for me was quiet depressing.  To the lady who has suffered a heartbreak...let him go! Let her keep him! Real Men never get stolen... Look good! Dress your best! Eat Healthy...Let your skin glow... Get a pedicure....a body massage and some...

Don't Quit!

At the end of the tunnel, always comes the sunlight! The purpose of life is to live it, experience it to the utmost and taste it. Life presents itself with all sorts of challenges but you must learn to stand up tall. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain....remember that the rainbow comes up only after the rain. Lift up your head, stand up tall...Never allow the path you are trailing at the moment confuse your destination. What do you aspire to achieve? Take a pen and put them down...though it may tarry but it would surely come to pass... Love you...