A Spiritualized Citizen...

Regardless of income level or position, most individuals approach every issue they face from the religious point of view. 
I'm so in love with the supreme being and utmost dependence on him is key to successful living and I strongly believe he also requires us to take good care of ourselves. 
As an individual, you are responsible for the way you live and take care of your body.
Now the question i have to put forward to you dear readers is this?....

How do you deal with health issues? Do you tend to spiritualize every illness? Do you seek medical attention as is required? Are you one of those individuals who take wild steps of faith such as wearing a miracle apron, tying a miracle handkerchief  and so on just to get healed?

A man i used to know had a chronic illness which eventually led to his death. It was a sad period as every one who knew him strongly believed that he could have been alive today if he got early medical attention. He was diagnosed and duly informed of his condition, he rebuked the report by faith and did nothing about it. Kept it as a secret to his colleagues and until his death, no one knew what the problem was.

The news finally filtered through the workforce and everyone was made to undergo series of test to mitigate the possibility of a spread.

 Most individuals tend to attribute negativity to the paranormal. The bible says Faith without works is void! Seek medical attention, pray about your health conditions and God will heal your diseases. 

The woman with the issue of blood recorded in Lk 8:43 as  the bible recorded, had visited all the physicians in the land and still couldn't get healed till she encountered JESUS...

God blesses our efforts, he sees our health conditions and in His time he will send us healing. He would not be happy seeing you resist the wisdom he has bestowed on the Medical doctors.

God-fearing means, to me, a respect or reverence for Life, the Author of that Life and His creation. He has placed the entire universe in an equilibrium state by Divine Wisdom bestowed on man to solve practical problems..
Resisting these arms reaching out to you could break His heart...

You can only live in your body...Take good care of it!

Living Healthy...


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