
Showing posts from July, 2013

Habits that Wreck your TEETH! Stop it.....

Chewing on Ice...   This is one habit synonymous with a lot of people. Yes, its natural and sugar free so you might think it's harmless but munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth.  Regular tooth aches could easily follow when this mindless chomping of ice  irritates the soft tissue inside your tooth. Hot foods and cold foods may even trigger quick, sharp jabs of pains or a lingering tooth ache. So when next you have the urge to chew some rock solid ice, go for some sugarless gums... Playing sports with no Mouth Guard... This goes to the guys who love football and maybe some basket ball. You should be safety conscious when playing contact sport. Do not get into a game without a mouth guard. Without it your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets tough...This could ruin your chances of getting to talk to that pretty chic you've had a eye on ever since.. Tongue Piercing... Yea ! these may be trendy but biting do...

Ovarian Cancer...

The good news about ovarian cancer is that it's easily treatable - as long as it's caught in its early stages. Early diagnosis is crucial in the cure for ovarian cancer and it enhances a woman's chance of survival. 90% of women who are diagnosed with stage 1 cancer - which hasn't spread beyond the ovary- survive for more than five years. The bad news is that sadly, most women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed when the disease is already advanced - so less than 40% of women survive beyond five years of diagnoses. This has to change..every woman should look out for the signs. What are the signs to look out for? Ovarian cancer has been labelled the ''silent killer'' in the past because it's hard to diagnose- but the disease does have recognizable symptoms. These are: Persistent tummy to pelvic pain Increased tummy size or persistent bloating - not bloating that comes and goes  Difficulty eating and feeling full quickly The need to pee f...

Obesity in Children.......

Hello friends.... I sincerely apologize for the delay in posting some of my articles, I am so happy to be back. Today we would focus on the children. How overweight is your kid? I've had to walk pass some children and wonder if they have been stuffed with some undergarment. Children are now been diagnosed for juvenile diabetes...Who takes the blame for this?  Global obesity levels in the young are on the rise. Genetic factors may amount to about 5% of the total obese population of kids but the rest is down to environmental factors- Eating patterns  and levels of physical activities. What are the Health Implications? Low self esteem, depression and low academic performance are only but a few of the impact your child feels from been overweight. Others include Cancers, asthma, Liver Disease and High blood Pressure. Why put the innocent child through all these..? The most important thing to do as a parent is to measure your child's weight and height frequently t...

Thank you!!!

I just want to say THANK YOU FOR KEEPING UP WITH MY BLOG!  I feel great knowing that I have been able to share some useful information with ''U'' Thank you for reading...I hope you don't stop coming back *winks* Living Healthy!!!

Want a raise? Wash your Vagina.....Like seriously???

This is for the ladies! I came across this article from   and I loved it! I am so proud of the author of this article and I decided to share this with you!  I hope you enjoy reading this article.... OMG. You’ve got to be kidding.  I just heard  about a magazine ad that’s got me steaming mad. Check out this full page  Summer’s Eve  ad in  Woman’s Day  magazine. The title: “Confidence at Work: How to Ask For a Raise.” The very first suggestion in the eight tips on how to ask for a raise? #1 Start with your usual routine and all the things you do to feel your best, including showering with Summer’s Eve feminine wash or throwing a packet of Summer’s Eve Feminine Cleansing Cloths into your bag for a quick freshness pick-me-up during the day. Are you people serious? As the author of  What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend , I’ve got something ...


Forget about Vitamin A pills. With this orange crunchy fruit, you get Vitamin A and a host of other powerful health benefits including a healthy and beautiful skin, cancer  prevention and anti-ageing properties. Here are some health benefits of this power food...  Healthy Teeth and Gum .. Its all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and gum. They scrap off plagues and food particles just as toothbrushes and tooth pastes. They stimulate the gum and trigger the production of a lot of saliva which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals present in the carrot prevents tooth decay. Cleanse the body ...... The Vitamin A present in carrot assists the liver in flushing out toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat in the liver. Its fibrous content helps clean out the colon and hastens waste movement. Prevent Heart Disease ..... Studies have shown that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart dis...