Habits that Wreck your TEETH! Stop it.....
Chewing on Ice... This is one habit synonymous with a lot of people. Yes, its natural and sugar free so you might think it's harmless but munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. Regular tooth aches could easily follow when this mindless chomping of ice irritates the soft tissue inside your tooth. Hot foods and cold foods may even trigger quick, sharp jabs of pains or a lingering tooth ache. So when next you have the urge to chew some rock solid ice, go for some sugarless gums... Playing sports with no Mouth Guard... This goes to the guys who love football and maybe some basket ball. You should be safety conscious when playing contact sport. Do not get into a game without a mouth guard. Without it your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets tough...This could ruin your chances of getting to talk to that pretty chic you've had a eye on ever since.. Tongue Piercing... Yea ! these may be trendy but biting do...