
Showing posts from June, 2016

Fertility Boosting Methods...

The expected norm for most couples is to conceive right after the wedding... Everyone usually seem interested in the first bulge so they all look to the woman with great expectations. The woman's anxiety tends to build up 'cos they never stop asking questions... She anticipates a  bulge as quickly as possible and when it's not forthcoming, the buildup deepens. The waiting time is a very delicate time for women and I wish to share some tips on some fertility boosting methods which I think would help increase the odds... I read about them a while back and I would love to share them with you... Get Checked: The presence of underlying infections could greatly hamper your chances of getting pregnant. It is advisable that women with a history of regular douching, infections or STD's visit their gynecologist for a thorough examination and for those who may not have had a history of infections, it's just necessary to get checked up. Having good knowledge of the prese...


I was watching a documentary on the spread of zika virus and I grew really inquisitive. I got to read up some facts which I would love to share with you.  So if you planning a trip to a Zika infected area, it's important you take note of these things. A particular mosquito specie called Aedes which is commonly know for the spread of the dengue fever virus is mainly responsible for the spread of this virus. The most common symptoms are fever, rashes, conjunctivitis (Redness of the eyes) and joint pain. People infected with this virus usually do not get so sick as to need a trip to the hospital and there are rarely any records of death due to the virus and this is the tricky part because most people infected do not even know that they carry the virus. The virus can be spread through mosquito bites or through sex.  Of particular importance is the effect of the virus on pregnant women. Men who has worked or lived in areas with the Zika infections are advi...

All you need to know about the Pelvic Floor....

Having full knowledge of your body makeup is essential to your health and in continuation of the previous blog where I spoke about C-sections, I would be discussing the pelvic floor. In trying to picture what the pelvic floor looks like, imagine the elasticity of the base of a bouncing castle seen at most children parties, it's ability to stretch when pressure is applied on it by the kids and bounce back up again. The PF is a broad string of ligaments and sheet-like tissues that stretch from the pubic bones at the front of the body to the base of the spine at the back.  It's ability to bear weights for a long time and still stretch back to its normal position makes it so amazing but over time the muscles and tissues may become over stretched and weakened. Hey guys, just when you thinking this post is strictly for the ladies, it would please you to know that the pelvic floor supports the bladder, bowel and uterus (womb) and this is what gives you control over when you e...